Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

結果: water

Solar Hot Water Temperature Monitoring with Arduino + ThingSpeak

Here’s another “Klink Family Adventure”. The Klink’s created a solar water heater monitor using an Arduino connected to multiple waterproof DS18B20 temperature sensors…. 続きを読む >>

You Can Learn from Sensor Data 1

Something stuck me today. You can learn from your sensor data. Why go to all of the trouble of logging data without ever taking a look at it and make adjustments? For example, knowing your energy use… 続きを読む >>

ThingSpeak Shower Time Analysis with RFID and Arduino

[Paul Asselin] was curious to see how long he spent showering in an effort to reduce energy and resource consumption. Paul had a bunch of parts laying around, an Arduino, Ethernet Shield, Real-time… 続きを読む >>

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