Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 21 - 26 of 26

다음에 대한 결과: Indexing

Indexing Terminology 11

Someone recently asked me to discuss X-Y versus row-column indexing. Contents Two Conventions ... 더 읽어보기 >>

Essence of Indexing 14

Indexing into arrays allows you to address portions of the elements of an array and treat this subset as an array itself, whether for calculations or input to other functions... 더 읽어보기 >>

Cell Arrays and Their Contents 117

I've written several blog articles so far on structures, and not quite so much on their soulmates, cell arrays. Just last week, at the annual MathWorks Aerospace Defense Conference (MADC), I had... 더 읽어보기 >>

Making Functions Suitable for ND Arrays 12

pre.codeinput { background: #F9F7F3; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid rgb(200,200,200); } @media print { pre.codeinput {word-wrap:break-word; width:100%;} } span.keyword... 더 읽어보기 >>

Inverting Logic in an Algorithm 7

A while ago, a colleague needed to use the sinc function to interpolate some channel data posted by the IEEE 802.15.3a working group. The files they supplied were large and the interpolation took a... 더 읽어보기 >>

Use Dynamic Field References 28

Use dynamic field references, the notation .(), where possible, instead of setfield, getfield, and eval.
In MATLAB 6.5 (Release 13), we introduced dynamic field references into MATLAB. What... 더 읽어보기 >>

Posts 21 - 26 of 26