Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


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Results for: Puzzles

Stable Matching Problem and the Algorithm that Won a Nobel Prize 1

Many here in Massachusetts started social distancing about a month ago and we have no end in sight yet. If you live alone, maybe you are ready to match up with someone after you get through this hardship. Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi, has a perfect algorithm for you. I love that this was inspired by a problem that, at first glance, doesn't seem very technical or relevant. But it is!... read more >>

Fifteen Years of MATLAB Central Memories!

Wow! It's been fifteen years since MATLAB Central was set up for the MATLAB community! What a crazy and wonderful time it's been.... read more >>

What was Sheraton Trying to Tell Us? 6

What was Sheraton Trying to Tell Us?Today's post is by Sean de Wolski and me. We spent a few days this week at training for the start of the year, held in a Sheraton hotel.At the completion of our... read more >>

Integer Programming and Hyper Sudoku

I'd like to introduce this week's guest blogger Alan Weiss. Alan writes documentation for mathematical toolboxes here at MathWorks.... read more >>

Recent Question about Speed with Subarray Calculations 8

Recently someone asked me to explain the speed behavior doing a calculation using a loop and array indexing vs. getting the subarray first.... read more >>

Intersecting Lines (Part 2) 2

Recently, Lucio and I wrote a post on detecting line segment intersections. We confessed in the post that we had not been exhaustive in our treatment. We also received many interesting... read more >>

Intersecting Lines 18

Today I am writing this post in collaboration with my friend and colleague, Lucio Cetto. Ever need to know if two line segments intersect? There are lots of ways to do this, and I... read more >>

A Clear Conundrum 7

Ever been in the situation where you accidently used a variable named something else in MATLAB and it caused you a problem? Ever done it with a variable named clear? It... read more >>

Precision and realmax

I was on a recent email thread at the office regarding realmax, eps, and overflow. Contents ... read more >>

Palindrome Numbers 9

Today I'd like to introduce a guest blogger, Mike Garrity, who is a graphics software developer at The MathWorks. Although his degree was in computational fluid dynamics, he... read more >>

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