File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Posts 11 - 20 of 47

搜索结果: 2004


I just became a huge fan of Tobin Driscoll, for his submission of UNPLOT to MATLAB Central. And I swear it has nothing to do with the fact that he goes to the University of Delaware, where I did my... 更多内容 >>

Colorbars for filled contours

This weeks pick adds very useful functionality for anybody who works with filled contour plots (as created by contourf). MATLAB's standard colorbar isn't particularly well suited to filled contours,... 更多内容 >>

Enhanced 3D display of data

3D displays of data can look very flat, which is why light sources are often added. Gordon has a different method for enhancing a 3D display and the results are impressive. MATLAB has many built in... 更多内容 >>

Air to air combat simulation

NoteThe file submission referenced in this post is no longer available on File Exchange.
Quite a few of our customers are in the Aerospace and Defense sector, working on areas like threat modeling,… 更多内容 >>

Image map example

Michael Wunder has come up with a very cool way to make great-looking user interfaces in MATLAB. Instead of relying on traditional user interface controls (radio buttons, push buttons, etc.), he... 更多内容 >>

Hatched vs color

Sometimes old technology becomes new again. The other day someone was showing me their Blackberry device that has a low overhead mail reader, very similar to PINE which I used until very recently... 更多内容 >>

List subfunctions in command window

Anybody who does much work with GUIDE is familiar with using files with large numbers of subfunctions. I'm a huge fan of the popup list of subfunctions that's built into the editor, especially now... 更多内容 >>

Time stamping plots

For many of our customers the graph that gets produced at the end of a script is their entire output that will be printed and saved. That one plot must have all the relevant information on it. This... 更多内容 >>

Enhanced data exploration interface

Paul Mennen's plt combines a lot of useful data exploration tools into a single, well-designed, plot explorer. Intended to be used instead of PLOT, PLT displays your 2-D data in an enhanced figure... 更多内容 >>

Animation of convolution

Convolution can be a difficult process to learn and visualize, so Laine decide to make an animation to show the process occuring. This file makes it much easier to understand the process. I chose... 更多内容 >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 47