File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Posts 21 - 30 of 48

Results for: 2005

Value of all data series shown at once

NoteThe file submission referenced in this post is no longer available on File Exchange. Data cursors are newly supported in MATLAB, and they work great. However you can always practice continuous... read more >>

Code wash

NoteThe file submission referenced in this post is no longer available on File Exchange.
Computers do not care about beautiful code. Anyone can write code that a computer will like. However, the… read more >>

Structure Explorer

The suggestion for this week's entry comes to you from my new friend Aldo Caraceto. Aldo provides tech support for MATLAB in Italy, and has lately been sharing some of his favorite File Exchange... read more >>

Conditional Breakpoint for Simulink models

NoteThe file submission referenced in this post is no longer available on File Exchange. IMHO, one of the most useful new features of MATLAB 7 for working with large applications was the... read more >>

Monitoring Distributed Tasks

The new Distributed Computing Toolbox is enabling MATLAB and Simulink users to tackle larger problems than ever before by easily distributing their analysis and simulations across several computers... read more >>

Zoom into small axes

I often use lots of subplots to pack a bunch of information into a single figure. This is great for a high level view, but each individual axes can be too small to see in much detail. My solution has... read more >>

What has Changed in the Workspace

Michael Robbins is a very clever guy, with many posts to the File Exchange. The one I chose for this week was ToSavedWorkSpace because it is something I often want to do. The use model that I see... read more >>

Super Labels

NoteThe file submission referenced in this post is no longer available on File Exchange. I've long used SUPTITLE to add a single title across multiple subplots in a single figure. SUPTITLE is great... read more >>

Mapping Data in MATLAB

I am the applications engineer that supports the Mapping Toolbox for the MathWorks. In the latest release of this toolbox, we made the decision to no longer provide worldwide political boundary data... read more >>

GUI Building update

A few weeks ago, I posted a new video tutorial on the use of GUIDE. I have gotten extensive positive feedback from this and am currently making a script for a follow-up video. This should be ready... read more >>

Posts 21 - 30 of 48

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