File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions


Aldo Caraceto, one of our Application Engineers from Italy, recently wrote to tell us about a new post on the File Exchange. He noted that this file was particularly cool because "it offers a feature which I would like to see natively in MATLAB," it has an easy-to-use syntax, and the code is tightly implemented. I agree on all counts!   This week's Pick of the Week is from repeat-offender Matt Fig. Matt's WHATS file works just like the built-in MATLAB command WHAT--it lists MATLAB files in the current directory. But the output of WHATS differs from that of WHAT in an important way: all of the returned strings are hyperlinked to the files they refer to. Click on a link to an MFile, and the MFILE opens in the MATLAB editor. Click on a link to a MAT file, and data contained in the file is automatically loaded: Alternatives are always good. WHATS gives users a nice Command-Window alternative to using the Current Directory Browser. Old-school MATLABbers who like to show only the command window (remember that the MATLAB environment is completely customizable!) will particularly appreciate this file. Thanks for sharing it, Matt! We'd love to hear your thoughts about Matt's file, or about things you've done to customize your experience with MATLAB. Use this Comments section to share your ideas on the topic!

Published with MATLAB® 7.7
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