Zoom Plot
Sean's pick this week is zoomPlot by Kelsey Bower.
(No - it's not the matrix of faces that you see in a conference call!) My pick this week allows you to zoom in on specific region in a line plot.
Let's plot some data:
T = readtable('C:\Documents\MATLAB\FlightTestData.xlsx');

There are some interesting dynamics near the upper right hand corner. I'd like to show them with more detail. I can simply add a zoomPlot to this.
[~, z] = zoomPlot((1:800).', T.LoadFactor, [615 740], [0.2 0.5 0.4 0.4]);

The detail is more clear. Now we can highlight the local minima and maxima in this zoomed in plot.
xzoom = 615:740; loadfactorzoom = T.LoadFactor(xzoom); imax = islocalmax(loadfactorzoom, 'MinProminence', 0.05); imin = islocalmin(loadfactorzoom, 'MinProminence', 0.05); hold(z, 'on'); plot(xzoom(imax),loadfactorzoom(imax), 'r*') plot(xzoom(imin),loadfactorzoom(imin), 'g*')

Now if you did want a zoom plot like you'd see in a virtual meeting, use tiledlayout, which is new in R2019b and replaces subplot workflows.
figure t = tiledlayout('flow', 'Padding', 'none', 'TileSpacing', 'none'); images = dir(fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox\images\imdata\*.jpg')); for ii = 1:numel(images) nexttile(t) imshow(fullfile(images(ii).folder, images(ii).name)) end

Give it a try and let us know what you think here or leave a comment for Kelsey.
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- Picks
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