Stuart’s MATLAB Videos

Watch and Learn

Win a MATLAB t-shirt for a ten question survey

It has been a while since the last survey of MATLAB video watchers. This is a good time to think about what can be done to make these videos more valuable.

Click here to take survey

One in twenty survey takers will win. The survey will be open for one week, the winners notified by e-mail. The results will be summarized in a future blog post.

In a completely unrelated note:

We have set up a Virtual Career Fair to recruit Graduate Students for The MathWorks. We will be hosting this event on February 4th, from 11 AM – 7PM. Our goal is to get over 2,000 graduate students to log into this event and learn more about us and working here! During the event, we will have live engineers and managers to chat with about the technical support opportunities.

Check it out here.

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