Stuart’s MATLAB Videos

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Posts 31 - 40 of 67

搜索结果: Level: Advanced

Revisited: Integrating to find the volume underneath a set of non uniformly spaced data 2

Well, am I turning red! Soon after I posted my last video about how to find the volume underneath a set of non uniformly spaced data, I found one of our developers had a better way to do it using… 更多内容 >>

Puzzler: Results of most difficult puzzler yet

The “Rules of the new game” puzzler was the most difficult one yet. Puzzlers are MATLAB programming challenges that I post from time to time. They lead to interesting discussions of… 更多内容 >>

GUI tutorials from the File Exchange 6

I was once one of the many people that have been a steward of the Pick Of The Week blog. I try not to highlight File Exchange files here, but this exceptional tutorial is, well, an… 更多内容 >>

Puzzler: Rules of the new game

I was playing a game by LabPixies on my iPhone. I spent more time thinking about programming an optimal solution than anything else while playing. I decided to give it a try in MATLAB. After… 更多内容 >>

Modeling your Mom’s head with MATLAB 1

I frequent Twitter as MATLABDoug. You can check there for daily MATLAB tips in 140 characters or less, blog post announcements and other things that I find interesting. While reading the… 更多内容 >>

Advanced: Modifying a contour plot with Handle Graphics 3

The contour plot will choose the colors of the contour lines based on the level of the contour. However, if you want to do something more, like change the line width or line style, you will need to… 更多内容 >>

Advanced: loading files using their names for variable names 22

In this short video we will show how to bring text files into MATLAB and use the original file name as the variable name. Actually, the file name will be used as a field name in a… 更多内容 >>

HandleVisibility property to make GUIs visible in handles hierarchy 3

A MATLAB user recently asked me why they could not find the handle to their GUI as a child of the root. get(0, ‘children’) The reason is they needed to change the… 更多内容 >>

Puzzler: Find four-connected component to element 1 of 2-d matrix 37

This week, I was going to make a great video on recursion to solve a fun little puzzle. However, my code runs too slow. Before my recursive solution to the larger puzzle is practical, I need to… 更多内容 >>

Building a GUI to read, modify and write an Excel file. 4/4 20

This is the fourth in a series of videos that will go through the process of planing and implementation of a simple GUI. Realistically, I would not plan out a GUI this simple, but the idea is to… 更多内容 >>

Posts 31 - 40 of 67