Season's Greeings Get the MATLAB code (requires JavaScript) Published with MATLAB®... read more >>
Season's Greeings Get the MATLAB code (requires JavaScript) Published with MATLAB®... read more >>
This is post number 300 of Cleve's Corner blog. The first post was on June 6, 2012, which is 600 weeks ago. So, I have averaged one post every two weeks for over a decade. The posts were more frequent in the early days and are less frequent today.... read more >>
The 2023 MATLAB Central Flipbook Mini Hack contest runs from November 6 until December 3. Over 200 entries have been submitted in the first two weeks.... read more >>
Try you hand at a few exercises involving Exploring Matrices.... read more >>
I have spent much of my career working to bring abstract linear algebra and practical matrix computation closer together. This project is my latest effort.... read more >>
MATLAB has dozens of test matrices. Here are a few.... read more >>
(I have a guest blogger today. Ron Jones worked with me in 1985 for his Ph. D. from the University of New Mexico. He retired recently after nearly 40 years at Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque and now has a chance to return to the problem he studied in his thesis. -- CBM)... read more >>
I have just returned from a one-day workshop at U. C. Santa Barbara honoring John Gilbert on his 70th birthday and his official retirement after 20 years on the UCSB faculty.... read more >>
Special Notice If you have been following my posts about Wordle, be sure to see the puzzle in today's New York Times, Tuesday, April 4.Get the MATLAB code (requires JavaScript) ... read more >>
I recently had an opportunity to chat with Ernie, the Large Language Model currently under development at the Chinese internet search giant, Baidu. As I expected, Ernie's responses are in Chinese. I don't speak Chinese, so I have asked Google Translate for the response in English.... read more >>