Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Ever Needed to Move a Figure?

Have you ever needed to move a figure? Perhaps because it is offscreen>? Or at least the menus or close box are not visible? This happens to me from time to time when I get code from someone else who is programming specifically to the size of their display. Working on a laptop, I often have fewer available pixels. What to do?


How to Find my Figure?

I used the Function Browser to search for "move figure" and found movegui. It might be just the ticket for you.

Degrees of Freedom

As you can see from the documentation, movegui gives you a fair amount of latitude for moving your figure around. The two choices I find most useful and easiest to remember for my purposes: onscreen and center. I think you can guess what they each do :-)

Have You Needed Help Locating Something?

Do you use the Function Browser to help you? Do you ever need to reposition "lost" figure windows, like I have? Let me know here.

Published with MATLAB® R2014a

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