Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 1 - 10 of 16

搜索结果: 2021

Benefits of Refactoring Code 9

Benefits of Refactoring CodeI have seen a lot of code in my life, including code from many different people written for many different purposes, and in many different "styles". These styles range... 更多内容 >>

Symmetry, tessellations, golden mean, 17, and patterns 2

Seventeen? Why 17? Well, as a high school student, I attended HCSSIM, a summer program for students interested in math. There we learned all kinds of math you don't typically learn about until... 更多内容 >>

What Do MATLAB and Games Have in Common? 5

Today I want to introduce you to Jake Mitchell, a MATLAB user that I knew of and someone recently reminded me of again. Jake is a mechanical engineering major who is interested in data science. He... 更多内容 >>

A faster and more accurate sum 7

Today's guest blogger is Christine Tobler, who's a developer at MathWorks working on core numeric functions.Hi everyone! I'd like to tell you a story about round-off error, the algorithm used in sum,... 更多内容 >>

Cone Programming and Optimal Discrete Dynamics

Today's guest blogger is Alan Weiss, who writes documentation for Optimization Toolbox™ and other mathematical toolboxes.Table of ContentsCone Programming Discrete Dynamics With Cone... 更多内容 >>

Finding the Optimal Value 13

Have you ever needed to solve an optimization problem where there were local minima? What strategy do you use to solve it, trying to find the "best" answer? Today I'm going to talk about a simple... 更多内容 >>

Sharing and Running MATLAB Code in the Cloud 2

Table of ContentsLots of Code, Lots of Places Shared Files Code Reproducibility and Reuse Sites that Host MATLAB Interoperability with Other Languages Resources ConclusionsThere are lots of ways to... 更多内容 >>

webcam, tiledlayout, AI, and a Refrigerator !?! 1

Before the pandemic (actually a couple of years before), as I was trying to find a super easy way to show the power of a pre-trained network in MATLAB, I made this example from my desk in the office.... 更多内容 >>

How Long Does My Beard Grow in a Week? 8

A mind-bending tale of adventure. A mildly distasteful yarn.Today's guest blogger is Rob Holt, who works at MathWorks in Natick, Massachusetts.Rob currently serves as the Manager for Biological... 更多内容 >>

What is a leap second, anyway? 9

Today's post is brought to you from Peter Perkins, a member of the MathWorks development team.Having worked on some of MATLAB's time and date functions, people at The MathWorks sometimes ask me... 更多内容 >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 16

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