File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Post your MATLAB Videos

It is no secret that I like teaching MATLAB through videos. I use Camtasia to make and edit my videos, I am very happy using it. If you want to make MATLAB videos too, you can use Jing, by the makers of Camtasia, that gives you enough functionality to make a great video (but does not allow for editing). It is a free product, so give it a try. Here is a quick example video that I made in about a minute once I installed the product.

Here is the deal. Take that little function, or trick that is worth sharing and record it. Post the video and send me a link The best video will get a super-fabulous MathWorks gift pack. Judging of the videos will be a highly scientific rating based entirely on which one I like best. Send the video by the morning of June 16th, and you could have your video hosted here next week!

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