File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Clear Everything!

Jiro's picks this week are ccc by Chad Greene and clr by Brenden Epps

Yes, this week's picks are these 3 lines of code:

clear all
close all

Is this a joke?! No, not really.

In my day-to-day job as an application engineer, I show how MATLAB can be used to solve people's problems. When I'm in front of customers, I do demo after demo, switching context left and right. I need a quick way to reset everything so that I can show the next thing they need to see. I need to run the three commands above frequently during any single customer engagement.

ccc and clr both accomplish this with a short, single command. It seems very trivial, but it's probably one of the most used commands in my job. I also use the toolstrip and shortcuts often, so I have a shortcut for ccc.

The code behind it is

Note that I actually use "close all force" to close any hidden figures.

By the way, there's an interesting discussion about the use of "clear all" in the comments section. Personally, I think it's okay as long as you know what it does, and in my case it makes sense for my day-to-day work.


Tell us about your simple shortcut commands you created to make your life just a little easier. Also, if you do have a command or a shortcut for clearing everything, what do you call it? My colleagues Sean calls it cll and Brett calls his purge. Feel free to leave a comment for Chad or Brenden as well.

Published with MATLAB® R2013a

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