Avoid Overwriting Files!
Brett's Pick this week is Avoid file overwrite, by Simon Musall.
A cautionary tale
Some years ago, I did something so boneheaded that it still pains me to think about today. After returning from a once-in-a-lifetime safari in Namibia with a thumb drive full of thousands of photographs, and I set about downloading the images to my hard drive with a snippet of code that I whipped together in MATLAB.
I plugged the thumb drive into a carrier, and in a for-loop, I started extracting the images, writing them to disk, and deleting them from the thumb drive as I went! Much to my dismay, I soon discovered that I had neglected to change the filenames, and that each image was overwriting its predecessor. D'Oh!
After much anguish, I was ultimately able to recover most of the images from the thumb drive--but I think I aged a decade on that day! Consider how easy it is to make this horrific mistake:
imds = imageDatastore(fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'matlab', 'imagesci'), ... 'FileExtensions', {'.tif', '.png'}); numFiles = numel(imds.Files) % Create a write directory writeDir1 = fullfile(userpath, 'Test1'); if ~exist(writeDir1, 'dir') mkdir(writeDir1) end for ii = 1:numFiles img = readimage(imds, ii); imwrite(img, fullfile(writeDir1, 'Oops.png')); end dir(writeDir1) % Notice that while I _intended_ to write two files, I actually only end up % with one--the last one! (The first image was overwritten!!!)
numFiles = 2 . .. Oops.png
Now try again with Simon's avoidOverwrite: Create a second write directory
writeDir2 = fullfile(userpath, 'Test2'); if ~exist(writeDir2, 'dir') mkdir(writeDir2) end for ii = 1:numFiles img = readimage(imds, ii); fn = avoidOverwrite('Oops.png', writeDir2, 2, 1) imwrite(img, fullfile(writeDir2, fn)) end dir(writeDir2)
fn = 'Oops.png' fn = 'Oops_01.png' . .. Oops.png Oops_01.png
With the benefit of hindsight, avoidOverwrite would have saved me a great deal of anguish! (Of course, if I had been thinking of this potential failure mechanism, I would have avoided it from the start. But that's a story for another day!)
As always, I welcome your thoughts and comments.
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