File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Posts 1 - 10 of 69

搜索结果: Video

New location for Doug’s videos! 6

I have moved. [NEW LOCATION] Today, Brett, Bob and Jiro have completed their inheritance of Pick of the Week blog. There is a fine heritage of Applications Engineers running the Pick of the... 更多内容 >>

Advanced MATLAB: File name processing from directory listing 10

Very often MATLAB users want to be able to process a set of files from a directory. In this video, I show how you can look through a directory seeking files of the form “data###.dat” and… 更多内容 >>

Interview about making MATLAB Videos 1

Several people have asked about how I make these MATLAB videos. Recently the folks that make Camtasia interviewed me about the videos making process. Those of you that are interested in a look… 更多内容 >>

Advanced MATLAB: Dynamic field names

We have MATLAB users come into The MathWorks to present their work in MATLAB from time to time. Recently there was an interesting presentation with some really great “Clutter… 更多内容 >>

MATLAB Basics: Setting edge color for large surface plots 2

Often if you make a surface plot with SURF for a large dataset, it will appear all black because MATLAB is trying to draw all the edge lines. You can stop these lines from obscuring your data by… 更多内容 >>

MATLAB Basics: Adding a toolbar to a GUI 20

People often make their own GUIs in GUIDE and they have a data visualization. When you embed an axis in your own GUI rather than using a figure window, you lose the built in toolbar that has zoom,… 更多内容 >>

Advanced MATLAB: Class system for OOP in MATLAB introduction 5

This week we will be looking at the MATLAB class system. This video does not cover the “why” of doing OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in MATLAB. It just covers a very simple example of… 更多内容 >>

MATLAB Basics: Interpolating data with interp1 1

This short video shows how you can take a sparsely sampled sine wave and use interp1 to interpolate the missing data points. Different interpolations such as linear, spline and nearest are all shown…. 更多内容 >>

MATLAB Basics: Cell arrays for holding different data types 7

Sometimes in MATLAB you are going to want to store different data types together in one construct rather than try and keep track of different variables. Structures work for this, but sometimes it is… 更多内容 >>

User made videos

I wanted to thank everyone for posting their videos as requested in my prior post [click here]. Here are some of my favorite entries. I will be in touch with the authors to send them some fabulous… 更多内容 >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 69

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