Stuart’s MATLAB Videos

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Posts 21 - 30 of 34

搜索结果: 2013

Polar surface plot in MATLAB 2

MATLAB does not have a polar surface plot built in. You can use a normal surface plot if you convert your polar data into Cartesian with the pol2cart command. We also cover how to get rid of the… 更多内容 >>

Speeding up User Interfaces in MATLAB with profiler 4

Sometimes when you are working on a User Interface you want to use the profiler to speed up the code. However, with a UI so much time can be spent by the user rather than the code of interest that… 更多内容 >>

Generalizing the access to an array of structures in MATLAB 2

Recently a MATLAB user asked me how to make it possible to work with an array of structures in such a way that she could filter the array of structures and then combine the remaining fields. Once… 更多内容 >>

Using ‘dbstop if error’ and conditional breakpoints to debug MATLAB 1

Sometimes MATLAB throws an error, but because the error is inside of a function you can not see what caused this error. By telling the debugger to stop execution under certain conditions or right… 更多内容 >>

Using otherwise to throw errors in a switch case

In some code there is an enumerated set of choices. People will use a switch case statement to check for all but one choice and then catch that last one in the ‘otherwise’ block of their… 更多内容 >>

Persistent variables in MATLAB 7

There are situations where you want MATLAB to remember the value of a variable from one call of a function to another call of that function. We show to use a persistent value to accomplish this. … 更多内容 >>

Adding UICONTROLS to MATLAB without GUIDE for simple interactive figures 7

There are often small tweaks to functionality that you would like for a figure in MATLAB. This video shows how to add a button to a figure that will allow you to toggle the units of a y axes between… 更多内容 >>

Simple visualizations for a statics problem in MATLAB

A colleague was trying to draw some structures and do basic static analysis on them. He wanted to write a routine that would draw a pinned beam given the locations of the two pins. This can be done… 更多内容 >>

GUI building in MATLAB 8

This post is a continuation of the last video where we built a simple GUI in MATLAB. This continues by showing how to run initiation code for a MATLAB GUI and explains what the handles structure… 更多内容 >>

Introduction to GUI building with GUIDE in MATLAB 11

As we approach video number three hundred on this blog, I thought it was time to remake the original video that got this all started. I still refer people to it on a weekly basis. This shows you… 更多内容 >>

Posts 21 - 30 of 34