Stuart’s MATLAB Videos

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Posts 11 - 20 of 208

搜索结果: Level: Basic

Coloring a line based on height, gradient, or some other value in MATLAB 8

MATLAB Answers is a great resource for getting help from the MATLAB community. There was a recent question that inspired this video. I took the question to mean, how can I change the color of a… 更多内容 >>

Finding infrequent errors in MATLAB with DBSTOP if error

Some errors happen in MATLAB infrequently. If you don’t know the conditions when they occur, setting a breakpoint might not work. Using DBSTOP if error will have MATLAB stop on a line in the… 更多内容 >>

Simple example of storing data as a matrix or structure

When we design a program, the way we store our data will have an effect on how our code looks as we manipulate that data later. In this video we had the choice to store the coordinates of a robot… 更多内容 >>

Vectorizing code in MATLAB

When you vectorize code, you avoid looping through an array and instead do operations on the matrix level. This avoids for loops in MATLAB. The reason for vectorizing are often stylistic…. 更多内容 >>

Interuptable callbacks and BusyAction in MATLAB 5

If you push a button in a MATLAB UI and this starts a long calculation, what do you want to have happen if the user pushes the button a second time? Interuptable property and BusyAction property of… 更多内容 >>

Using synthetic data to test algorithms in MATLAB 2

This week we are making up some data and doing a couple of visualizations. We then modify the data to do a reality check on a simple algorithm. This allows us to gain confidence in our algorithm… 更多内容 >>

Simplify, simplify, simplify 1

I often say that one my greatest qualifications for troubleshooting MATLAB code is that I know I am not that clever, so I have to simplify things until I can understand them easily. It works really… 更多内容 >>

Using Datetick with Plotyy in MATLAB 6

Recently, I needed to plot two different sets of time series data on the same axes, but they were at different scales. In this simplified example, I show how you can change the x-labels to display… 更多内容 >>

Exploring data through a series of vizualizations 1

When we get unknown data, we do not always know where it will lead us. This video shows the series of visualizations that I went through to answer a question about my data. By showing the process,… 更多内容 >>

Searching for permutations of a string in a list in MATLAB 4

In this video a colleague was looking in a large list to see if each element was a permutation of any element of a shorter list. I name these lists Haystack and Needle so it is easy to remember… 更多内容 >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 208