ThingSpeak can be used to easily monitor CPU usage %, memory usage %, and disk usage % on any Linux machine connected to the internet.
First, create a new Channel, and fill out the field names as… read more >>
ThingSpeak can be used to easily monitor CPU usage %, memory usage %, and disk usage % on any Linux machine connected to the internet.
First, create a new Channel, and fill out the field names as… read more >>
Once your data gets into ThingSpeak, you than want to do something with it. A first step is to see the data. If the data are sensor values from a Nest thermostat for example, then you want to see it… read more >>
[Marcus Olsson] of slickstreamer made a battery-powered temperature logger using ThingSpeak to store and visualize the data collected. He chose the Electric Imp Wi-Fi module for connectivity. The… read more >>
[Risto] from Supermechanical wrote a tutorial on how to use the Twine with ThingSpeak web services such as Data Logging and Charting. The tutorial explains how you can use the Twine’s… read more >>
ThingSpeak user, “SolarInKrimpen”, from Rotterdam, Netherlands, created a solar power monitoring system that reports data collected by solar panels and feeds the data to web services such… read more >>
Via Twitter, we caught wind of a project by a group of Rutgers University SCI ITI students. As their final project, the team built a working model of a smart home using sensors connected to… read more >>
We have recently received a few email about accessing historical data. We even noticed some posts on other forums asking about older data.
All ThingSpeak Channels are continuous logs of data. Using… read more >>
[david] from Toute la Domotique adapted the Teracom box to connect to ThingSpeak web services for data logging of sensors. In his article, Suivi de Température”, David covers the ThingSpeak… read more >>
[lars] created a weather station from scratch using sensors and bits from SparkFun and Adafruit. Lars wanted to log weather data and access it from remotely. He built the weather station using… read more >>
HomeVisionXL adds a ThingSpeak Plugin for environmental data logging to their home automation controller. HomeVisionXL “is a cross-platform tool for developing schedules for the HomeVision… read more >>