Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 11 - 20 of 28

搜索结果: 2012

Thoughts about Anonymous Functions 18

One of the reasons I like using anonymous functions is because they allow me to express whatever function I want to use as a function of the relevant arguments in different contexts.... 更多内容 >>

Using Symbolic Equations And Symbolic Functions In MATLAB

I am pleased to introduce guest blogger Kai Gehrs. Kai is a developer for the Symbolic Math Toolbox.... 更多内容 >>

Who, what, why, but not this 8

Dave Foti, who manages development of object oriented programming features in the MATLAB language, is back with a discussion of object parameters in methods.... 更多内容 >>

Web Treats

I have had occasion to visit MathWorks website recently and discovered a couple of interesting pages.... 更多内容 >>

What’s “if” “all” about? 12

I recently posted about a GOTCHA with the expression a < x < b in MATLAB and Matt's comments made me look to see if I had ever devoted a post to the behavior of all (or its companion any). So today I will explain how all works and why you need to take care when you use arrays for testing conditions in if and while statements. This is especially true if you do not use them with functions such as any or all since they can reduce expressions to scalar true and false values.... 更多内容 >>

Benford’s Law – What are the odds that the first digit is a ‘1’? 13

I'd like to introduce this week's guest blogger Sam Mirsky. Sam is an Application Engineer here at MathWorks who focuses on real-time testing applications using Simulink. ... 更多内容 >>

Why is Answer to 3 < A < 7 Unexpected? 9

There have been countless (not really!) times on the MATLAB newsgroup where a question of the sort written in the title has been asked (and answered). Let's go through the code to... 更多内容 >>

Mathematics and Humanities: Understanding Sort Algorithms 2

Steve recently mentioned a video showing how the quiksort algorithm works, including an explanation from Bobby regarding the need for the final seconds to be sure that NaN values are... 更多内容 >>

Running Scripts on a Cluster Using the Batch Command in Parallel Computing Toolbox

I'd like to introduce this week's guest blogger Edric Ellis. Edric works for the Parallel Computing development team here at The MathWorks. In this post he will talk about using the ... 更多内容 >>

Have You Visited MATLAB Central Recently? 6

I don't know if you visit MATLAB Central often, but there's a good reason to these days. Contents ... 更多内容 >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 28