New Product – Performance Review Toolbox
I'm pleased to announce the introduction of a new product today, the Performance Review Toolbox. It's so new, there isn't even a web page or marketing material for it.
Writing Self-reviews
Do you need to write an annual self-review? We do at MathWorks. Needless to say, if you been doing a similar job for the past few years, it can be challenging to figure out what's new to say. MATLAB can help you, using Text Analytics Toolbox, along with machine and deep learning from Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox and Deep Learning Toolbox. Simply have available the proper document directories from your work in the previous year, as well as relevant threads in email and internal 'groups', source code control and bug/enhancement reporting systems, etc. With the Performance Review Toolbox, you can use MATLAB to mine all the sources for good information, do affinity analysis to see what the big themes have been. After generating the outline for your document, you then can modify it to your liking. With the new outline in hand, you then use MATLAB to generate a draft of your self-review.
Providing Peer Comments
Another part of the review process is providing peer review comments. In a similar way to writing your review, the Performance Review Toolbox can assist you by again searching the proper sources for interactions you've had in the past year working with the individual for whom you need to write a peer quote. Using sentiment analysis tools, you similarly generate an outline with the top plusses and areas for improvement. After modifying as necessary, generate the quote!
Writing Reviews for Employees
If you are a manager, I am sorry. Version 1 of the Performance Review Toolbox does not generate reviews automatically for your use for your employees. It's a much requested feature.
Early Reviews
Early reviews of this new product are promising.
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