Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 11 - 20 of 44

Results for: Common Errors

Doug’s “Top 10 MATLAB code practices that make me cry” 4

Doug's "Top 10 MATLAB code practices that make me cry" This week, Doug's blog focuses on what he considers to be some poor programming practices he's seen in MATLAB code. I agree... read more >>

A Case for Divergence between MATLAB and C 14

There are some functions in MATLAB that we designed to be similar to their counterparts in other languages. There are also some functions that we deliberately designed... read more >>

Comparing Single-threaded vs. Multithreaded Floating Point Calculations 13

There continue to be a flurry of queries suggesting that MATLAB has bugs when it comes to certain operations like addition with more than values. Sometimes what prompts this is... read more >>

Precision and realmax

I was on a recent email thread at the office regarding realmax, eps, and overflow. Contents ... read more >>

Switching Things Up 22

If you have ever used a switch statement in MATLAB and also used it in C, you might have noticed that the two constructs have different semantics. Contents ... read more >>

When MATLAB Refreshes Directories 8

Over the years, there have been lots of questions about when MATLAB recognizes files on the path. Today I'm going to talk about the case where a user generates or updates MATLAB code,... read more >>

Understanding Object Cleanup 12

Today I would like to introduce a guest blogger, Nick Haddad, a developer here at The Mathworks who works on Audio & Video related features in MATLAB. Today he talks about cleaning
up different...

HELP – I Got the Wrong Answer for My Optimization! 16

How often I have heard this!?! It turns out there are a bunch of reasons why you might not get the answer you expect when performing an optimization task. These... read more >>

Collinearity 19

I recently heard Greg Wilson speak about a topic dear to him, Beautiful Code. He and Andy Oran edited a book on this topic in which programmers explain their thought processes. The... read more >>

Another Lesson in Floating Point 12

In an earlier post I discussed the issue of floating point accuracy in calculations. I have another example to share today that has been lurking in the Mapping Toolbox... read more >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 44

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