Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


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Posts 11 - 20 of 121

Results for: New Feature

String Things 4

Working with text in MATLAB has evolved over time. Way back, text data was stored in double arrays with an internal flag to denote that it was meant to be text. We then transformed this representation so character arrays were their very own type. And I mentioned earlier that we introduced a string datatype to make working with text data more efficient and natural. Let me show you a little more.... read more >>

Importance of Implicit Expansion For Performance 6

Sometimes people state that they like using MATLAB because it's easy to express their mathematical thoughts. Sometimes there's a follow-on that they then switch to another language for performance. While early in the history of MATLAB, that was sometimes beneficial, it is not so obvious these days. Let's take the example of implicit expansion (also here).... read more >>

Time for an Argument 9

For those Monty Python fans reading this post, check out the Argument Clinic. Recently both Sean and Jiro, twice! posted about the new arguments capability available for input argument checking. I wanted to show you some more about this great feature! I've also discussed argument checking over the years, including this post.... read more >>

Introducing Live Editor Tasks

Today I’d like to introduce a guest blogger, David Garrison, who is a MATLAB Product Manager here at MathWorks. Dave will talk about the new feature introduced in R2019b called Live Editor Tasks which allow you to complete steps in your workflow interactively from within the Live Editor.... read more >>

dimsum in MATLAB 12

As Steve noted in a recent post, several of the functions that operate along specific dimensions have been updated to add some new functionality, for example the function sum. (I also think he missed a great opportunity for a cool blog post title, which is only partly why I am writing about it now :^) ). Please read his post!... read more >>

The MATLAB Live Script Gallery 3

Today I’d like to introduce a guest blogger, David Garrison, who is a MATLAB Product Manager here at MathWorks. Dave will talk about the Live Script Gallery where you can go to view and run interesting live scripts from the MATLAB Community.... read more >>

Stateflow Charts Come to MATLAB! 6

I have been a little bit slow in announcing some of the coolest new features/products in the most recent release, R2019a. Why should you even care? What does Stateflow do? It allows you show the logic behind the work you are doing. You may say "I can already do that in MATLAB with if/else statements, switch/case statements, etc. And you can. But as you add extra conditions, the nesting of code and at least my ability to fully comprehend it can create a lot of mental overhead and burden. With state charts, you can encapsulate extra condition behavior without quite some much clutter, and yet high clarity.... read more >>

The Missing Link 15

Of course the data we collect is always perfect - NOT! Maybe yours is different. What can go wrong? So many things. Instruments drift, web sites go down, power goes out, ... So what can you do if you have gaps in your data, and the analysis you want to perform won't tolerate that condition? You might decide you need to fill in missing values.... read more >>

Ever Need to Explain… Machine Learning in a Nutshell?

Ever Need to Explain... Machine Learning in a Nutshell?Do you ever need to explain something to others unfamiliar with your work what it's about? One situation I frequently face is explaining machine... read more >>

New Ways to Arrange and Plot Data in Tables 6

Today I'd like to introduce a guest blogger, Stephen Doe, who works for the MATLAB Documentation team here at MathWorks. In today's post, Stephen shows us new functions for displaying, arranging, and plotting data in tables and timetables.... read more >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 121

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