Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 1 - 10 of 11

Results for: Performance

A Prime Case Study for Making MATLAB Code Go Faster 10

Today I'd like to welcome a guest blogger, Mike Croucher, who recently joined MathWorks as a Customer Success Engineer after a long career spent supporting academic computational research.Table of... read more >>

Once and for All 16

I was talking to my long-time colleague, Mike Croucher, who joined MathWorks team recently (yay!). About a bunch of interesting topics, some of which could be good fodder for a blog post. Today I... read more >>

Paged Matrix Functions 11

Today's guest blogger is Mary Fenelon, who is the product marketing manager for Optimization and Math here at MathWorks. In today's post she describes how using the new paged matrix functions can... read more >>

Remove Unneeded feval Calls 2

Recently I read a post about speeding up functions on Yair's blog. I'll take this opportunity, using Release 2020a, to use the updated profiler to investigate performance, particularly for the function feval.... read more >>

Faster Indexing in Tables, datetime Arrays, and Other Data Types 9

Today I'd like to introduce a guest blogger, Stephen Doe, who works for the MATLAB Documentation team here at MathWorks. In today's post, Stephen discusses how to take advantage of recent performance improvements when indexing into tables. The same approach applies to many different data types. While the release notes describe the performance improvements, in today's post Stephen also offers further advice based on a simple code example.... read more >>

The Meaning of CCC 11

When I started thinking about a post featuring CCC, I decided to search online for it - so many different meanings! Here's a small sample:... read more >>

Which Way to Compute: cellfun or for-loop? 9

Over a long number of years, people have asked whether it's better to use cellfun or a for-loop to perform certain computations. As with so many things in life, the correct answer here is "it depends". Let me give you a bit more insight so you can make good choices.... read more >>

Working with Text in MATLAB 6

I'd like to introduce today's guest blogger, Dave Bergstein, a MATLAB Product Manager at MathWorks. In today's post, Dave discusses recent updates to text processing with MATLAB.... read more >>

Run Code Faster With the New MATLAB Execution Engine 17

Today I'd like to introduce you to a guest blogger, Dave Bergstein, who is a MATLAB Product Manager here at MathWorks. Today, Dave will be discussing the new MATLAB execution engine.... read more >>

It’s About Time! 6

Well, it's about that time. What time? It turns out that this is my 400th post. In 10 years! It's been a lot of fun for me; and I hope you've learnd a lot. So time to talk about time again.... read more >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 11

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