Jiro's Pick this week is dark mode plot by Natan.Do you work in dark mode? If you do, you need to take a look at this entry by Natan, especially if you make presentations using the dark theme. As you... read more >>
Jiro's Pick this week is dark mode plot by Natan.Do you work in dark mode? If you do, you need to take a look at this entry by Natan, especially if you make presentations using the dark theme. As you... read more >>
Will's pick this week is Random String Utility by Dan Couture. This is an oldie but a goodie. This submission is from 2012 but still works just fine in R2022b (another testament to the... read more >>
Jiro's Pick this week is AstroVolley Courseware by Paul Huxel.Back in my undergraduate studies (many, many years ago), I took a Pascal programming course, and it was the first official programming... read more >>
Jiro's Pick this week is subplotHelper by my Frederick Zittrell.Did you know that subplot can be used to create non-uniformly distributed axes? For example,figuresubplot(3,3,1),... read more >>
Will's pick this week is Dave's MATLAB Shooter(data) by David Buckingham. This submission is way back in 2010, but it has somehow dodged the Pick of the Week...till now. This is an Atari-style... read more >>
Jiro's Pick this week is Publishing tool for MATLAB® live script to WordPress by my colleague Cheng Chen.I do two different kinds of "coding". I code to create reusable functions, and I code to solve... read more >>
Brett's Pick this week is Ellipse Detection Using 1D Hough Transform, by Martin Simonovsky.ContentsIntroductionThe SourceThe ImplementationA Test DriveSegmentationDetecting the EllipsesImproving the... read more >>
Jiro's Pick this week is BoxPlotPro by Carlos Borau.I'm a big fan of apps, since using apps simplifies tasks for common use cases and increases efficiency. As you may know, many MATLAB products come... read more >>
Will's pick this week is ranker(data) by R P. They say it's the little things in life. I find this simple little function oddly compelling. Pass it a matrix, and it returns a similarly sized... read more >>
Jiro's Pick this week is BingDunDun by idMatlab.It's been almost 10 days since the close of the Beijing Olympic Winter Games. Which sport were you following? For me, curling is something that I enjoy... read more >>