Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 1 - 10 of 33

結果: 2010

Kalman Filter – From MATLAB to Embedded C Code 9

By Guy Rouleau In a previous post, I introduced the Embedded MATLAB Function block. This block gives the possibility to write an algorithm in MATLAB code, include it in a Simulink model, and... 続きを読む >>

5 Resources for Simulation Performance 8

Following Guy's recent post with Tips for Simulation Performance, I thought I would provide a couple links for additional resources. Here they are: The Simulink Performance Master... 続きを読む >>

Bus Signals: Past, Present and Future 4

By Guy Rouleau The first time I used buses in Simulink, it was version 3.0 (R11). Bus signals and the way we use them in Simulink have evolved over time. In this post I want to give you a... 続きを読む >>

Current Events: Contest and Career Fair

This is a quick post to highlight two events going on RIGHT NOW! Programming Contest: Sailing Home I was just looking over the MATLAB Programming Contest and it is going to be very interesting.... 続きを読む >>

Tips for Simulation Performance 7

By Guy Rouleau One of the questions I hear the most often from Simulink users is What can I do to make my model run faster? Here is a list of tricks that can help. Displays and Scopes When... 続きを読む >>

Parallel Computing with Simulink: Running Thousands of Simulations! 11

Update: In MATLAB R2017a the function PARSIM got introduced. For a better experience simulating models in parallel, we recommend using PARSIM instead of SIM inside parfor. See the more recent... 続きを読む >>

Model Explorer for Data Management and more 1

Update: Original videos have been removed form this blog post. To see similar content, please see this link: Improved Signal Management with Model Explorer By Parasar Kodati Working with models... 続きを読む >>

Current Events: EcoCAR Fall Workshop 2

Today I saw a Chevy Volt in the MathWorks parking garage. MathWorks is hosting the EcoCAR Fall Workshop. An internal announcement states: More than 100 students representing 16 EcoCAR... 続きを読む >>

A Balancing Robot, Simulink and the Virtual Conference 1

By Guy Rouleau I used to play with Lego’s as a kid, and when I learned about the Lego Mindstorms robotics kit I decided, "I have to get one!" Years have past since that thought, but when I saw a... 続きを読む >>

R2010b is here! 4

MathWorks released R2010b on September 3rd, and it has been live on the downloads page since then. While there are many features I could highlight in this post, I would like to focus on two... 続きを読む >>

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