Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 1 - 10 of 26

搜索结果: Analysis

Visualizing Fixed-Point Algebraic Loops

A few days ago I had to debug a very large model generating an error similar to the following:

In my case, the loop involved more than a hundred blocks and signals spread everywhere in the model and... 更多内容 >>

Simulation Data Inspector in R2018a 3

Over the past few releases, many enhancements have been added to the Simulation Data Inspector. Let's look at a few of those I particularly like.
Browse Mode
By default, in the Simulation Data... 更多内容 >>

Revisited: How Many Blocks are in that Model? 5

A long time ago, Seth wrote a post showing how to count the number of blocks in a model, including referenced models. At that time, using the functions find_mdlrefs to find all the referenced models... 更多内容 >>

New in MATLAB R2017b: The Simulation Manager 1

MATLAB R2017b has recently been released. For this first post about R2017b, I want to highlight a feature that I think most of you will find very useful: The Simulation Manager
The Simulation Manager... 更多内容 >>

Logging Simulation Data in Timetable format

In case you did not notice, MATLAB R2016b introduced a new type of table: timetables. Because Simulink logs data over time, we decided in R2017a to give the possibility to use this format for signal... 更多内容 >>

Simulink and the MATLAB Unit Testing Framework 4

Today, I am happy to welcome guest blogger Ajay Puvvala to talk about testing.

Some time ago, Ajay passed by my desk and offered to blog about the tight integration between Simulink Test and MATLAB Unit Testing Framework, which got introduced in R2016b.

My answer was: Yes, of course... but before, we need to introduce what the MATLAB Unit Testing Framework is, and how it can be used in a Simulink context.

This is what Ajay will be describing today.

... 更多内容 >>

Comparing Runs in SDI

Today I upgraded a large model to the latest release of MATLAB. I found a trick to compare the results before and after the update that I thought I should share. Different Results To validate... 更多内容 >>

Why you should never break a continuous algebraic loop with a Memory block 23

I have seen many users run into trouble when resolving an algebraic loop, so this week I want to explain why you should never break a continuous algebraic loop with a Memory block. The... 更多内容 >>

What is the most efficient aircraft seating strategy? 6

Today I am happy to welcome my colleague Ramamurthy Mani for another very interesting study using SimEvents.
Recently, I read an article in Wired (TM) magazine that posed a question that… 更多内容 >>

Creating Test Harnesses with Simulink Test! 4

In R2015a, we introduced a new product called Simulink Test. This product offers many great features like a Test Sequence block, various ways to test results of a model against validated data, and a... 更多内容 >>

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