Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 11 - 20 of 21

結果: Verification & Validation

Running Model Advisor Checks in the Background

If you are a user of the Model Advisor and have a license for the Parallel Computing Toolbox, you probably noticed a new icon in R2014a: Run checks in background... 続きを読む >>

How Polyspace could have detected the vulnerability in Apple’s iOS 1

Many users of Simulink and Embedded Coder target their applications to embedded systems. Embedded systems require high levels of integrity in their operation, and increasingly, these systems are being connected to networks to enable new functionality and provide monitoring capabilities. These extensions to embedded systems raise concerns about security vulnerabilities.

... 続きを読む >>

Tracing Requirements to Models, Tests, and Generated Code 4

When I wrote a post about the R2013b new features, Fraser replied in a comment that one of his favorite new feature is the requirements linking to MATLAB code. This made me realize that I never... 続きを読む >>

Fine-Tuning Model Advisor Analysis 2

Today I welcome my friend Nishaat Vasi to introduce a new feature of Simulink Verification and Validation: Model Advisor Exclusions. Nishaat: Hey Guy, did you notice the new Model Advisor... 続きを読む >>

Detecting Divide by Zero Errors 3

Wouldn't it be great if you could analyze a Simulink model and certify that it will never encounter design errors like divisions by zero and overflows? Since MATLAB R2011a, this is possible! This... 続きを読む >>

Different Results in Accelerated Mode Versus Normal Mode 8

By Guy Rouleau This week I received a large model giving different results when used as a referenced model in Accelerated mode, compared to the Normal Mode. To give you an idea, the top model in... 続きを読む >>

If you can put a man on the moon, can you take a look at my car? 25

Today I welcome my colleague Paul Barnard to guest post about the final report from the NHTSA-NASA Study of Unintended Acceleration in Toyota Vehicles. By Paul Barnard I just read the final... 続きを読む >>

How to Verify Code Generated with Model-Based Design 4

An important benefit of Model-Based Design is doing early verification of your model and using what you learn to verify your final production software. As your design moves to production a critical... 続きを読む >>

Did I just get a different answer? 3

As part of any well designed Model Based Design work-flow, you need to ensure that you get the expected results from your simulation. You might want to evaluate the effect... 続きを読む >>

Model Advisor: Don’t Forget the Doc! 1

After posting last week about Model Advisor enhancements for R2008b, I got this e-mail from my friend Salina: Seth! You didn’t even mention the help for each check! My apologies go to... 続きを読む >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 21

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