Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 21 - 30 of 53

Results for: 2006

Essence of Indexing 14

Indexing into arrays allows you to address portions of the elements of an array and treat this subset as an array itself, whether for calculations or input to other functions... read more >>

Processing a Set of Files 14

There continue to be questions on the MATLAB newsgroup regarding processing a set of files. So, for the record, and even though Steve covered this topic in his blog, I thought I'd get... read more >>

Trying to Match Behavior of a New Function to an Existing One 11

We might want to a write a function that mimics the behavior of another related function, specifically with respect to input shapes, etc. Ideally, we'd like to write it so we... read more >>

How for Works 18

Last week I touched on the difference between using 1:N and [1:N] as the expression in a for statement. I have gotten enough more questions recently on how for works in MATLAB that it... read more >>

What Are You Really Measuring? 9

I had an interesting encounter with a colleague, Bob, last week. We were talking about timing some calculations and we realized that the written code was actually measuring... read more >>

When is a Numeric Result Not a Number? 13

Quick answer: when the result is a NaN. Contents NaNs in Arithmetic ... read more >>

Inverse Mapping (update) 3

In a follow up comment to the inverse mapping post, Lucio noted that loopFR could be fully vectorized and he is right. Rather than update that post directly, I thought I republish the... read more >>

Cell Arrays and Their Contents 117

I've written several blog articles so far on structures, and not quite so much on their soulmates, cell arrays. Just last week, at the annual MathWorks Aerospace Defense Conference (MADC), I had... read more >>

Inverse Mapping from Values to Indices 5

I am aware of frequent customer requests for replacing multiple values in an array. And the result should be compact code and execute quickly, right?! It came up again on... read more >>

Publishing 57

I thought I'd showcase the publish tool in MATLAB this time around. It's how both Steve Eddins and I produce our blog articles most of the time. I find it particularly handy when I use... read more >>

Posts 21 - 30 of 53