Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 11 - 20 of 46

Results for: 2008

MATLAB for Teaching 3

I occasionally get involved in activities at MathWorks that aren't strictly focused on development. These activities often include interacting with customers, giving seminars,... read more >>

Timing Extraction of Parts of an Array 10

In Sarah's blog, Dan asked about speed of removing elements. There are a number of ways of deleting elements in MATLAB. So, what's the "best" way? ... read more >>

Managing Non-Deployable Functions in a Compiled Application 9

Guest blogger Peter Webb presents another post about building applications with the MATLAB Compiler. This week's topic: understanding the types of functions that cannot be deployed and managing... read more >>

Finding Patterns in Arrays 19

Recently, my colleague Jeff asked me if I would look at some code he wrote to find a pattern of numbers in a larger array. Without looking at his code, I... read more >>

Piecewise Linear Interpolation 22

John D'Errico is back today to talk about linear interpolation.

Create Some Data to Interpolate
histc Solves the Binning Problem
Binning - A Loop With An Explicit...

When to Create Classes in MATLAB 31

I’m pleased to introduce today’s guest blogger, Nausheen Moulana. Nausheen manages the teams responsible for the design and
development of the MATLAB language. She shares her thoughts on when you... read more >>

Path Management in Deployed Applications 28

This week, guest blogger Peter Webb continues his series of articles about the MATLAB Compiler. This week's topic: managing MATLAB's paths in a compiled application.
For an introduction to writing...

Comparing repmat and bsxfun Performance 37

I've been asked repeatedly about the performance comparison between two MATLAB functions, bsxfun and repmat. These two functions can each help with calculations in which two arrays are... read more >>

Understanding Object Cleanup 12

Today I would like to introduce a guest blogger, Nick Haddad, a developer here at The Mathworks who works on Audio & Video related features in MATLAB. Today he talks about cleaning
up different...

Using MATLAB to Grade 23

Educators use MATLAB a lot. In addition to using MATLAB for research, many professors and instructors use MATLAB for teaching, including demonstrating and explaining concepts,... read more >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 46

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