Today's guest blogger is Christine Tobler, who's a developer at MathWorks working on core numeric functions.Hi everyone! I'd like to tell you a story about round-off error, the algorithm used in sum,... 続きを読む >>
Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.
Today's guest blogger is Christine Tobler, who's a developer at MathWorks working on core numeric functions.Hi everyone! I'd like to tell you a story about round-off error, the algorithm used in sum,... 続きを読む >>
I've been allowing my self some time these days to read more than usual about certain aspects of numerical math, deep learning, and other technical topics. In that regard, I found the timing of Nick Higham's new series, called What is, on his wonderful blog. He is a long-time and valued contributor on MATLAB Central and a friend to many of us at MathWorks.... 続きを読む >>
Today, I'd like to welcome Josh Meyer as this week's guest blogger. Josh works on the Documentation team here at MathWorks, where he writes and maintains some of the MATLAB Mathematics documentation. In this post, Josh provides a bit of advice on how to choose which ODE solver to use. Over to you, Josh...... 続きを読む >>
Arithmetic is associative, right? Well, in the world of paper and pencil, where you can often do calculations exactly, that can be true. However, in the computing world, where real numbers can't always be represented exactly because of working with finite precision datatypes, it turns out that you can't depend on the arithmetic to behave the way you were taught in grade school.... 続きを読む >>
Sometimes I need to construct a matrix with certain symmetries. There are a bunch of tools in MATLAB that are well suited for such tasks. In today's post, I will mention the ones I use most often.... 続きを読む >>
In today's post, I am joined by Mike Hosea, a developer who occasionally works on integration routines for MATLAB. In recent releases, we added new integration routines, including integral2 for double integrals. Today we'll talk about some nuances in using this routine and adjusting the absolute and relative tolerances.... 続きを読む >>
Recently, my colleague Rob Comer and I were talking about how to write out a number, in decimal, so that if it were read back into MATLAB, would retain its full precision.... 続きを読む >>
Ever find yourself wanting to get some sense of some data, but not sure the arithmetic mean is what you want? You might also consider the geometric mean (geomean from Statistics... 続きを読む >>
There was a great question on the newsgroup this past week asking how to determine if a system of equations had a solution. The poster wasn't (at least yet) concerned with... 続きを読む >>
There continue to be a flurry of queries suggesting that MATLAB has bugs when it comes to certain operations like addition with more than values. Sometimes what prompts this is... 続きを読む >>