File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Posts 11 - 20 of 44

Results for: 2019

Leaf Pile!

Sean‘s pick this week is leafpile by Nathaniel Barlow.

As we’re finally starting to see cooler temperatures in New England, the leaves are starting to turn. This fun… read more >>

New with R2019b – Function Argument Validation 10

Jiro‘s Pick this week is Function Argument Validation, which is a new R2019b feature that I’m really excited about.If you search for “function argument validation” or… read more >>

Tiled Layout 5

Sean‘s pick this week is tiledlayout by MathWorks’s development team.

R2019b shipped on September 12th and is now available for download!
Check the Release Notes for all of…

Winner of Machine Learning Hackathon

Jiro‘s Pick this week is Deep Learning Hackathon with Transfer Learning by Paola Jaramillo.Deep learning is becoming more accessible to casual programmers, especially with many pretrained… read more >>

How Old Do I Look?

Brett‘s Pick this week is Age and Gender Estimation from Face, by Masayuki Tanaka.

Back in 2014, I “co-selected” one of Masayuki’s files as a Pick of the Week when I was… read more >>


Sean‘s pick this week is polygon2voxel by Dirk-Jan Kroon.
I was recently asked: “How can you find the intersecting volume of two polyhedra?”
R2017b introduced polyshape to MATLAB…


Will‘s pick this week is Maze by Rodney Meyer.
This simple submission is surprisingly effective at providing hours of diversion. From the command line, you call the maze function with arguments… read more >>

When was the function introduced? 2

Jiro‘s Pick this week is when by Reza Ahmadzadeh.Working at MathWorks, I have become spoiled and have become used to always having access to the newest release (actually, I have access to… read more >>

Generate Code for All the Things?

Greg’s pick this week is A short introduction on using model based design approach in Embedded System by TAB.
Imagine a quiet summer evening at the beach.  There’s a warm fire crackling… read more >>

Struct2Vars 2

Sean‘s pick this week is struct2vars by Matthew Eicholtz.

I was recently asked by a colleague: “How do I get all of the fields of a struct into their own variable?”…. read more >>

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