Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 1 - 10 of 15

結果: 2023

How to Create a Mask Popup Parameter that can be tuned in Rapid Accelerator

A few weeks ago I published this blog post: Getting the most out of Rapid Accelerator mode – Version R2023b, where I described how to simulate a model multiple times in Rapid Accelerator mode for... 続きを読む >>

Accelerator Cache and Rebuilds – Everything you need to know 7

In Simulink, the different simulation modes (accelerators) can save you a lot of time. There are, however, subtleties to what “time” you can save, and how we can achieve those savings. In this post,... 続きを読む >>

YouTube Livestream on Speeding Up Simulink Simulation Workflows

I don’t usually publicize this sort of thing on this blog, but I think the subject is too relevant for many readers of this blog to no advertise it. Next Thursday, October 19th, 2023, we are... 続きを読む >>

Getting the most out of Rapid Accelerator mode – Version R2023b 6

Earlier this week, a user came to me with a question related to a blog post I wrote a long time ago: Getting the most out of Rapid Accelerator mode. This made me realize that since then, we have made... 続きを読む >>

Signals vs Parameters in Simulink… and the Parameter Writer block 8

A colleague recently told me that he was often referring users to this blog post I wrote many years ago: How Do I Change a Block Parameter Based on the Output of Another Block?Even if most of what I... 続きを読む >>

What’s New in R2023b? 6

With so many features and enhancements introduced each release, it's difficult to decide which ones to highlight on this blog. Here are a few of my favorites in R2023b.Variant NavigationIn R2023b, we... 続きを読む >>

Tips for Working with Simulink Libraries and Data Dictionaries 6

I came across an interesting feature recently for Simulink® libraries that could be helpful when working with buses and other types associated with them. The Problem Let's say we have a library... 続きを読む >>

Guy on Simulink Material on GitHub and MATLAB Online

Did you notice the recent blog post Open science and reusable research with MATLAB Online and GitHub by my colleague Mike Croucher on The MATLAB Blog?I decided to try adopting this new feature to... 続きを読む >>

Debugging C/C++ code in Simulink 7

As you probably know, it is possible to integrate C/C++ code in Simulink simulations. This can be done in many ways, including:C/C++ S-FunctionS-Function BuilderLegacy Code ToolC CallerC... 続きを読む >>

Avoiding Unwanted Data Copies in Simulink Generated Code via Reusing I/O

Recently, we've had a few customers ask if it's possible to configure their models to alter values on a bus that goes into and out of their model without making a data copy. There are several ways... 続きを読む >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 15

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