I recently ran into a report of the most visited entries on MATLAB Answers. I looked at the ones involving Simulink and thought it would be interesting to cover some of those on this blog. While most... 更多内容 >>
I recently ran into a report of the most visited entries on MATLAB Answers. I looked at the ones involving Simulink and thought it would be interesting to cover some of those on this blog. While most... 更多内容 >>
Recently, I spoke with a user who needed to interface a Simulink model with an external flight simulator implemented as java classes. He was able to exchange data with his simulator at the MATLAB... 更多内容 >>
This week I discovered that event listeners also work with bus signals! You might be saying: "What is an event listener?" In this post, I will describe how to register an event listener for a bus... 更多内容 >>
As you probably know by now, a lot of changes happened in MATLAB R2012b. As with everything, changes in our environment or with what we are used to requires adaptation. To help you with this, I... 更多内容 >>
By Guy Rouleau Did you already install MATLAB R2011a? If you are used to generating code from Simulink, the first thing you probably thought after launching MATLAB R2011a is: "Where is... 更多内容 >>
By Guy Rouleau In a previous post, I introduced the Embedded MATLAB Function block. This block gives the possibility to write an algorithm in MATLAB code, include it in a Simulink model, and... 更多内容 >>
As part of any well designed Model Based Design work-flow, you need to ensure that you get the expected results from your simulation. You might want to evaluate the effect... 更多内容 >>
By Guy Rouleau Some algorithms are easier to implement using MATLAB code than blocks. This is why multiple User Defined Function blocks are available in Simulink. But when time comes to implement... 更多内容 >>