Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 1 - 10 of 27

搜索结果: Performance

How to Create a Mask Popup Parameter that can be tuned in Rapid Accelerator

A few weeks ago I published this blog post: Getting the most out of Rapid Accelerator mode – Version R2023b, where I described how to simulate a model multiple times in Rapid Accelerator mode for... 更多内容 >>

Accelerator Cache and Rebuilds – Everything you need to know 7

In Simulink, the different simulation modes (accelerators) can save you a lot of time. There are, however, subtleties to what “time” you can save, and how we can achieve those savings. In this post,... 更多内容 >>

YouTube Livestream on Speeding Up Simulink Simulation Workflows

I don’t usually publicize this sort of thing on this blog, but I think the subject is too relevant for many readers of this blog to no advertise it. Next Thursday, October 19th, 2023, we are... 更多内容 >>

Getting the most out of Rapid Accelerator mode – Version R2023b 6

Earlier this week, a user came to me with a question related to a blog post I wrote a long time ago: Getting the most out of Rapid Accelerator mode. This made me realize that since then, we have made... 更多内容 >>

Unifying MATLAB and Simulink: A User Story Part 2 4

In my previous post, I described how to parameterize a Simulink model using MATLAB objects. To be honest, there is nothing magic or revolutionary to that in itself. The reason why I decided to cover... 更多内容 >>

COVID-19: Using Parallel Simulations to Study the Infection Spread 1

In a previous post, I introduced a model simulating the exponential spread of a phenomenon like COVID-19. With more and more talks in the news about deconfinement plans, I thought it would be... 更多内容 >>

A New First Order Hold! 9

If you are attentive to details, you might have noticed that in MATLAB R2019b, we removed the First-Order Hold block from the Discrete section of the Simulink Library browser.
At the same time, we... 更多内容 >>

MATLAB Online, MATLAB Mobile, MATLAB Drive… and Simulink 4

I have never written about these topics on this blog because this is not specific to Simulink, but... I am a big fan of MATLAB Online and MATLAB Drive. Today I will describe how I use these and... 更多内容 >>

New in MATLAB R2017b: The Simulation Manager 1

MATLAB R2017b has recently been released. For this first post about R2017b, I want to highlight a feature that I think most of you will find very useful: The Simulation Manager
The Simulation Manager... 更多内容 >>

Improved Behavior of Auto Tolerance in R2017a

Are you familiar with the meaning of auto for the Absolute tolerance of Simulink variable-step solvers?
In R2017a, we decided to change the meaning of auto for the Absolute Tolerance... If your model... 更多内容 >>

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