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Results for: 2021

Analyzing Sitemaps

Today, I want to analyze the sitemaps on These XML files, in standard locations, provide search engines with lists of the pages on the site. I want to compare these lists with the list… read more >>

Repurposing Some MATLAB Code to Detect Large Web Images

I need to find all video thumbnails on our website that are larger than a certain size. I tried to do this before but the method I chose was not reliable. I want to try a different method, but… read more >>

Shortest Path Between Two Web Pages

I want to find how you get to a particular web page on our website from another one, i.e. what series of links do you need to click. I have a list of all pages and the links between them, so I can… read more >>

I Want To Add An “Are You Sure?” Alert To My Web App

The web app I’m working on manipulates a set of MAT files and lets me switch between them. Occasionally I will forget to save changes to a MAT file before I load a new one. So here, I want to… read more >>

AutoHotkey Shortcuts for the MATLAB Editor

I created some AutoHotkey shortcuts to make it easier to execute arbitrary lines of code in the MATLAB Editor. They include:
Alt+Enter: Execute the line I am currently editing/typing
Alt+Left Click:…

Copying Text to the Clipboard in MATLAB Web App – Fail 2

I want to occasionally copy text from data in a table in my web app, so I try to add a line to the cell selection callback to copy the cell value to the clipboard. However, this first idea fails and… read more >>

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