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Results for: App Designer

My Web Scraping App: Only Get HTML Content if Page List Changes

Currently, my (small scale) web scraping app reads the HTML content of the list of pages, then searches for pattern matches.
I want to change it, so that it only reads the HTML content if the list of… read more >>

Handling Multiple Match Tokens in My Web App

Now I want to modify the MATLAB app I recently made to scrape web pages, so that it can handle multiple multi-part patterns. i.e. where there are more than one token in the regular expression match… read more >>

Making Improvements to My Web Page Scraping MATLAB App

I want to modify the MATLAB app I recently made to scrape web pages, so that it can handle the case where there is more than one match per page.
Features covered in this code-along style video…

Deploying My MATLAB App as a Web App 1

I want to turn the MATLAB App I developed recently into a web app so it is accessible from a browser. It can then be used by my colleagues who work on the website and do not use MATLAB.
To do this,…

Building a MATLAB App to Extract Web Page HTML Patterns 1

A colleague asked if I could extract a date string from a set of MATLAB Answer pages. I’ve often needed to extract patterns from random web pages and have written scripts to do so, so I thought… read more >>

Building a Web Server Monitoring App, Part 6: UIFigureCloseRequest Callback

If you remember, my app creates a timer to control the execution of the main loop. It doesn’t however delete the timer. As a result, when you close the app, the timer is left behind which is… read more >>

Building a Web Server Monitoring App, Part 5: Hooking-up Some UI Controls 1

Now I have a basic working app that starts monitoring a specific server immediately. Next, I try and hookup some some UI controls correctly so I can start and stop it, and switch between… read more >>

Building a Web Server Monitoring App, Part 4: Starting with App Designer 3

Now that I’ve got most of my data processing and plotting working, I think I can start using App Designer to put it all together. I’m going to move most of the code that I have developed… read more >>

Posts 21 - 28 of 28