Hybrid Electric Vehicle Control and Simulation
HEV Control Strategies to Maximize Vehicle Efficiency via Model-Based Design
Larry Michaels from Argonne National Laboratory presented to about 140 live Energy Virtual Conference goers on his work with a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) simulation tool called Autonomie. I missed his presentation but asked my colleague James Allison to give me a summary. Here is what he said:
Argonne is introducing their new tool for HEV modeling called Autonomie. It looks like it is an end-to-end tool that can be used throughout the entire vehicle development process. It can accommodate both physical and empirical models, and supports SIL, HIL, CIL, and rapid prototyping.
Autonomie is not quite available yet. There are in the final stages of validating it to make sure simulation results match PSAT results across a range of models. Autonomie gives more flexibility to the user in configuring powertrains than PSAT.
Larry gave some examples of CIL (Component in the Loop); showing the benefits of using actual components in the simulation to capture information that is hard to model, such as engine emissions. Autonomie can interface with GT Power for engine models and they are also working to integrate with AMESim.
Models are built in Simulink, and the configuration/data files in MATLAB. Any modeling tool that can be interfaced with Simulink can be interfaced with Autonomie - Argonne National Laboratory is not developing any new interfaces, just leveraging existing Simulink interfaces.
Stop by the Booth
I dropped in on the booth and found the Autonomie brochure. It is a nice overview of the purpose of the tool. I will definitely check it out if I can get a copy.
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