Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Finding where variables are used from the Model Explorer

In a previous post, we illustrated the Simulink.findVars function.

To be honest, I am not very good at remembering the syntax of functions. Every time I encounter a situation where I could use Simulink.findVars, I need to open the documentation to figure out how to use it. Being a Simulink user, if there is a way I can click somewhere to get or set what I want, you can be sure I will go that way.

For those like me, I want to share this trick I just discovered.

Find Where Used

Most models rely on tens or even hundreds of variables in the workspace. Sometimes I need to know which blocks in the model use a specific variable. To accomplish this, open the model and right click on the variable. You will see a Find Where Used option:

Finding variables form the Model Explorer

This will launch a window asking if you want to search for a specific model or all open models:

Selecting the search scope

Depending on the type of variable, the search might require a model update. Once this is done, you will get the list of blocks using the variable.

Found blocks

Double click on the block name. Simulink will bring it up and highlight it:

Found block highlighted

Now it's your turn

Look at the documentation section titled The Model Explorer: Working with Workspace Variables and let us know how this is applicable to your work-flow. Leave us a comment here.

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