Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 1 - 10 of 59

搜索结果: Fun

Pole Vault – 2024 Olympics update 1

In 2016, we published this blog post simulating a pole vault jump. I decided to revisit this topic and demonstrate how I would simulate this using the latest features in Simulink.Pole Vault ModelHere... 更多内容 >>

Shot Put – Olympics 2024 Update

With the Paris Olympics going on, I decided to revisit the simulation of the shot put event that we published in 2016. BackgroundI recommend visiting the 2016 blog post for more background on how we... 更多内容 >>

What’s New in Simulink in R2024a: Emojis! 9

MATLAB R2024a has been released recently, so I thought I should share my favorite new addition to Simulink: The ability to add emojis everywhere!As you probably know, it has been possible for many... 更多内容 >>

Computing π… Simscape Multibody Style 1

On this π day 2024, I decided to tag along with Mike Croucher from The MATLAB Blog and show one way to compute π.While Mike went for advanced maneuvers involving the MATLAB AI Chat Playground,... 更多内容 >>

The Curling Game… Version 2022

For the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, I am excited to share a new version of the Simulink Curling Simulator! This is now the third Winter Olympics that our curling game is participating in, making it... 更多内容 >>

Halloween special: The Pumpkin Chunkin Simulator! 1

How do you feel about a pumpkin chunkin simulator today? Earlier this week, I noticed the latest post on the MATLAB Community blog: Flying Pumpkins, Dancing Pumpkins. While Ned and Eric's post is... 更多内容 >>

Curling Game Update: App Designer and Stateflow 3

Someone recently challenged me to convert the curling simulator we published a few years ago (See this post and this post) to take advantage of new features not available at that time: App Designer... 更多内容 >>

Internal Combustion Engine Ignition Control Example – Part 1 1

This post introduces an example project I recently submitted to MATLAB Central: Four-Cylinder Engine Ignition Control Simulation
This project was made in collaboration with Isaac Hisahiro Ito at... 更多内容 >>

Arduino Engineering Kit 5

Have you heard of the Arduino Engineering Kit?
If you are interested in DIY projects and are looking for a fun way to apply some control and robotics principles to a real system, you probably want to... 更多内容 >>

Simulating the Olympic Ski Jump Competition 2

This week I am happy to welcome guest blogger Zack Peters to describe how he implemented the simulation of a ski jump, similar to the Men's large Hill Individual event of the PyeongChang Winter... 更多内容 >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 59

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