This week I received a series of interesting questions on the basics of putting together a simulation of a control loop involving a Simscape continuous plant and a discrete controller. The questions... 続きを読む >>
This week I received a series of interesting questions on the basics of putting together a simulation of a control loop involving a Simscape continuous plant and a discrete controller. The questions... 続きを読む >>
I have been recently asked this question:What are the top 10 most impactful and recent features for Simulink and Model-Based Design?It's a tricky question because different workflows are impacted by... 続きを読む >>
A few weeks ago I published this blog post: Getting the most out of Rapid Accelerator mode – Version R2023b, where I described how to simulate a model multiple times in Rapid Accelerator mode for... 続きを読む >>
In Simulink, the different simulation modes (accelerators) can save you a lot of time. There are, however, subtleties to what “time” you can save, and how we can achieve those savings. In this post,... 続きを読む >>
I don’t usually publicize this sort of thing on this blog, but I think the subject is too relevant for many readers of this blog to no advertise it. Next Thursday, October 19th, 2023, we are... 続きを読む >>
A colleague recently told me that he was often referring users to this blog post I wrote many years ago: How Do I Change a Block Parameter Based on the Output of Another Block?Even if most of what I... 続きを読む >>
As you probably know, it is possible to integrate C/C++ code in Simulink simulations. This can be done in many ways, including:C/C++ S-FunctionS-Function BuilderLegacy Code ToolC CallerC... 続きを読む >>
Today I want to share an example of how I sometimes use Model Comparison to answer questions about Simulink blocks or models. While this is obviously a key part of the workflow to merge branches in a... 続きを読む >>
Throughout the years, there have been features introduced in Simulink that initially looked like minor "nice to have", but turned out to be major game changers. In the last few releases of Simulink,... 続きを読む >>
Until recently, I always had trouble when dealing with MATLAB function handles. I cannot really explain why, there was just something I could not wrap my head around.To help a user, I finally took... 続きを読む >>