Stuart’s MATLAB Videos

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Results for: 2009

Basics: Volume visualization: 3/9 Display of scatter3 and slice plots 14

This short video is the third of a series of nine that talks about volume visualization. Patrick gave this talk internally to help technical support engineers understand capabilities of MATLAB for… read more >>

Contest: Flooding

The 20th MATLAB programming contest just went live! Our more faithful blog readers might have a head start on this puzzle… Finding four connected regions. A puzzler about the… read more >>

Puzzler: Ultimate Frisbee- call it! Wrap up 1

I do not know why I am still always amazed at the many different ways that simple problems are solved by different people. To end the suspense for everyone playing along at home, “For two… read more >>

Basics: Volume visualization: 2/9 Examples of scalar and vector fields 4

This short video is the second of a series of nine that talks about volume visualization. Patrick gave this talk internally to help technical support engineers understand capabilities of MATLAB for… read more >>

Puzzler: Ultimate Frisbee- call it! 3

I play a fair amount of Ultimate Frisbee® between lunch across the street at Cognex and playing with Boston Ultimate Disk Alliance. Games of Ultimate start with the two teams flipping two Frisbees in… read more >>

Basics: Volume visualization: 1/9 Defining scalar and vector fields 12

This short video is the first of a series of nine that talks about volume visualization. Patrick gave this talk internally to help technical support engineers understand capabilities of MATLAB for… read more >>

MATLAB Virtual confrence

We are holding a virtual conference right now. Come hear Keynote speakers starting at 7:45 EST. I have four new puzzler listed, when you arrive come stop by the booth, grab a copy and try… read more >>

Finding the area inside a convex hull 3

This quick video answers a question about finding the area of the smallest polygon that covers a set of points. It is a chance to use a few commands in MATLAB to simplify a script. Here is the… read more >>

Basics: Using ACCUMARRAY

ACCUMARRAY is one of my favorite functions that I never seem to need outside of MATLAB golf problems. I present this to you with the hopes that knowing it exists allows you to use it at just the… read more >>

MATLAB virtual conference in October 2009

The MathWorks holds free seminars around the country, but not everyone can afford the time and travel cost of attending one of these. For this reason, we are holding a virtual conference in October…. read more >>

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