Stuart’s MATLAB Videos

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Results for: 2015

Displaying the Progress of a Long Running MATLAB Script, Part 2: uitable

Previously, I showed how you could use fprintf to display status updates of a long running script. Another technique I use is to capture these updates in a uitable, so I can then easily view the… read more >>

Displaying the Progress of a Long Running MATLAB Script, Part 1: fprintf 3

I have a number of scripts that take several hours to run and I like be able to track their progress. I use a few techniques to do this, including this first example, which just uses fprintf…. read more >>

Large Table Building That Requires Scalar Operations 1

Recently I have been using MATLAB tables a lot to store large heterogeneous datasets. In many cases, the rows contain information about files in a file system. As I need to access the files… read more >>

Parallel and GPU Computing Tutorial Video Series

Using MATLAB in recent years on computationally intensive problems that take a long time to run, I notice that MATLAB does not always make use of all the cores on my machine. Also, sometimes I… read more >>

A Simple Backup Utility 1

I have a number of scripts that I have been maintaining for many years. They are not in version control but I still want to make edits and be able to access the code in previous versions. So I use a… read more >>

Setting Initial MATLAB Working Folder to Last Folder Used 5

In release 2014b there is a new preference that lets you set MATLAB’s initial working folder to be the last folder used in the previous MATLAB session. Here I show when it can be useful and… read more >>

New Video Player in Blogs Area 4

We have made some changes to how videos play in the Blogs area, including a new video player. There are one or two features that I’d like to make you aware of including:

The player works on…

Alt Up Down Keyboard Shortcut in MATLAB Editor 4

When editing code in the MATLAB editor, I often find that I’m interested in the use of one variable throughout the code. The keyboard shortcut Alt plus the Up or Down arrow keys lets me search… read more >>

Under New Management 1

As I will be taking over Doug’s blog, I thought I’d tell you a bit about myself and what I hope to cover in future posts.
Feel free to make requests for topics in the comments area at any… read more >>

So Long, and Thanks for all the Fantastic Videos 8

Doug has left the MathWorks but watch this video to hear from who is taking over his blog.
if (typeof(playerLoaded) === ‘undefined’) {var playerLoaded = false;}(function isVideojsDefined() {if… read more >>

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