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Results for: 2018

Using a List of Anonymous Functions to Implement a Set of Checks on a Data Set

I need to perform a number of checks on the values in a large table. Currently I implement the checks in code in a script. I find it can be cumbersome if I want enable or disable certain checks, as I... read more >>

Building a Web Server Monitoring App, Part 3: Scheduling with a Timer

So far I have some charts displaying my server traffic in a while loop. Next, I think I want to execute the chart updates at a regular rate, so I’m going to move the contents of the loop into a… read more >>

Building a Web Server Monitoring App, Part 2: Plotting Streaming Data

In my last post, I worked on accessing a set of continually updating log files from a server. Here I will review what I did to tidy up my code, then work on plotting the streaming data as it comes… read more >>

Building a Web Server Monitoring App, Part 1: Reading Streaming Log Files

This will be one of a few posts where I work on building an app that will visualize traffic to a web server, letting me monitor it as its being used. I plan to use App Designer, then deploy the app… read more >>

Using Anonymous Functions to Parameterize the Log File Analysis

Here I restructure the section of my code that filters the requests, so I can easily add any filter rule (as an anonymous function) in the future. Once again I forgot to turn on my webcam so you… read more >>

What is Doug Hull Up to These Days?

Doug Hull was the founder and owner of this blog for 10 years. I talked about his contributions in my first post.
Find out what he is up to these days in his interview with John Kelly over on the… read more >>

Updating My Map Function to Handle the New Log File Format

Here I continue with my analysis of the log files of a different server. I need to modify my map function to create some variables and strip some rows which I am not able to do during file… read more >>

Making a Server Datastore Function

I want to carryout the analysis I did in my previous post on another server. However, that server has a different log file format. So I decide to make a parameterizable function that can return a… read more >>

Using the MapReduce Technique to Process 500GB of Server Logs 5

Here I’m using the MapReduce functionality in Parallel Processing Toolbox to process several hundred GBs of server logs from our web site. I want to be able to visualize the counts per minute… read more >>

Using R2016b Arithmetic Expansion Rules to Make a Matrix Without a For Loop

Here I show how the new arithmetic expansion rules in release 16b can be used to answer a blog post comment question. See the great post by Loren on the subject.
Features covered in this video…

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