File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Dynamics of Rigid Bodies – Live Editor Challenge Winner (Faculty Category)

Jiro‘s pick this week is The dynamics of rigid bodies system by Anna Sibilska-Mroziewicz.

Continuing from my last Pick, Handle Classes – Live Editor Challenge Winner (Student Category), I’d like to highlight the winner of the Faculty Category of the MATLAB Online Live Editor Challenge 2018.

This entry by Anna is a great example of using the Live Editor to create MATLAB assignments for the students. The Live Script is the actual assignment problem, with problem descriptions and graphics.

Anna has places in the script where students are supposed to enter the correct statements.

Then at the end of the problem, she calls a script that checks the correctness of the variables. She uses assert and isequal to accomplish this.


For anyone interested in doing similar tasks of creating assignment problems with code assessments and feedback, you should definitely check out MATLAB Grader, an autograding environment for MATLAB assignments. Anyone with a valid MATLAB license in maintenance can create problems and invite students to your course.

I took one of the assignment problems that Anna had created and made it into a MATLAB Grader problem. Here’s a short video of it in action. MATLAB Grader comes with a simple mechanism to check the equality of a variable and immediate feedback with a score, either pass/fail or a weighted score.


Check out Anna’s live scripts and let us know what you think here or leave a comment for Anna. Also, definitely check out MATLAB Grader as well!

Published with MATLAB® R2018b

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