Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

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Results for: 2022

Unifying MATLAB and Simulink: A User Story Part 2 4

In my previous post, I described how to parameterize a Simulink model using MATLAB objects. To be honest, there is nothing magic or revolutionary to that in itself. The reason why I decided to cover... read more >>

Unifying MATLAB and Simulink: A User Story Part 1 18

I recently had an interesting discussion with a group of users about modeling, simulation, and how the management of simulation data evolved at their company. What they came up with is a framework... read more >>

Time to convert from find_system to Simulink.findBlocks

If you are creating, editing or analyzing Simulink models programmatically, you are probably familiar with find_system.While there is nothing fundamentally wrong with find_system, in this post I want... read more >>

Specifying Variable Values Using Mathematical Expressions: Generated Code

Some time ago, I published a post where I described how to specify variable values using mathematical expressions using the slexpr function. This triggered a lot of questions about the impact on the... read more >>

What’s New in Simulink R2022a! 17

The newest version of MATLAB, R2022a, has just been released! Here I will share with you my favorite new Simulink features in MATLAB R2022a.Model Reference Local SolverFor as long as Simulink has... read more >>

The Curling Game… Version 2022

For the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, I am excited to share a new version of the Simulink Curling Simulator! This is now the third Winter Olympics that our curling game is participating in, making it... read more >>

Leveraging The Simulink Diagnostics Viewer 2

I am sure most Simulink users will agree that viewing and analyzing warnings and errors is an important part of working with Simulink models. When simulating models interactively using the play... read more >>

Specifying Variable Values Using Mathematical Expressions 9

Today I want to talk about variables, needed by a Simulink model, that are function of other variables.Let's take the simple example of a right triangle:For most Simulink users, if you have a model... read more >>

Posts 11 - 18 of 18