Today I am happy to welcome guest blogger Erin McGarrity. The main reason why I am excited to welcome Erin as guest blogger is that he will be talking about generating C/C++ code from MATLAB code... 更多内容 >>
Today I am happy to welcome guest blogger Erin McGarrity. The main reason why I am excited to welcome Erin as guest blogger is that he will be talking about generating C/C++ code from MATLAB code... 更多内容 >>
Throughout the years, there have been features introduced in Simulink that initially looked like minor "nice to have", but turned out to be major game changers. In the last few releases of Simulink,... 更多内容 >>
Until recently, I always had trouble when dealing with MATLAB function handles. I cannot really explain why, there was just something I could not wrap my head around.To help a user, I finally took... 更多内容 >>
Today I am happy to welcome guest blogger Reid Spence. Reid helps Simulink users running simulations in parallel using functions like parsim or batchsim. In this post, he shares best practices to... 更多内容 >>
As you probably know, it is possible to define many types of callbacks in a Simulink model. Callbacks can be very useful to automatically execute MATLAB code in certain situations, for example when a... 更多内容 >>
Some time ago, I published a post encouraging you to use Simulink.findBlocks instead of find_system. This week, I will take this a little bit further and show how to create a custom match filter to... 更多内容 >>
MATLAB R2022b was released a few weeks ago, so it's time to highlight a few new Simulink features. In this post, I decided to focus on one feature that might pass a little bit under the radar, but... 更多内容 >>
This week, I am introducing a set of two examples implemented using the workflow described in this blog post series. Unifying MATLAB and Simulink: A User Story Part 1: Parameterizing a model with... 更多内容 >>
In today's post, I continue extending the framework introduced over the past few weeks. If you missed the previous posts in this series, here are links:Unifying MATLAB and Simulink: A User Story Part... 更多内容 >>
In today's post, I will add features to the framework presented in the previous post to help controlling variants. If you missed the previous posts in this series, here are links to all... 更多内容 >>