Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 11 - 18 of 18

다음에 대한 결과: 2022

Unifying MATLAB and Simulink: A User Story Part 2 4

In my previous post, I described how to parameterize a Simulink model using MATLAB objects. To be honest, there is nothing magic or revolutionary to that in itself. The reason why I decided to cover... 더 읽어보기 >>

Unifying MATLAB and Simulink: A User Story Part 1 18

I recently had an interesting discussion with a group of users about modeling, simulation, and how the management of simulation data evolved at their company. What they came up with is a framework... 더 읽어보기 >>

Time to convert from find_system to Simulink.findBlocks

If you are creating, editing or analyzing Simulink models programmatically, you are probably familiar with find_system.While there is nothing fundamentally wrong with find_system, in this post I want... 더 읽어보기 >>

Specifying Variable Values Using Mathematical Expressions: Generated Code

Some time ago, I published a post where I described how to specify variable values using mathematical expressions using the slexpr function. This triggered a lot of questions about the impact on the... 더 읽어보기 >>

What’s New in Simulink R2022a! 17

The newest version of MATLAB, R2022a, has just been released! Here I will share with you my favorite new Simulink features in MATLAB R2022a.Model Reference Local SolverFor as long as Simulink has... 더 읽어보기 >>

The Curling Game… Version 2022

For the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, I am excited to share a new version of the Simulink Curling Simulator! This is now the third Winter Olympics that our curling game is participating in, making it... 더 읽어보기 >>

Leveraging The Simulink Diagnostics Viewer 2

I am sure most Simulink users will agree that viewing and analyzing warnings and errors is an important part of working with Simulink models. When simulating models interactively using the play... 더 읽어보기 >>

Specifying Variable Values Using Mathematical Expressions 9

Today I want to talk about variables, needed by a Simulink model, that are function of other variables.Let's take the simple example of a right triangle:For most Simulink users, if you have a model... 더 읽어보기 >>

Posts 11 - 18 of 18

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