Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 21 - 26 of 26

Results for: Challenge

Simulink Student Challenge: $1000 in prizes! 3

Have you done something super-cool in Simulink?Can you make a short video of it and share it on YouTube?Are you a student? If you have answered yes to these questions, then you might be able to win... read more >>

Blog Image Processing with Simulink 3

Seth: A change is coming. As you may have noticed, the title of this blog is no longer a perfectly accurate description of it's content. Sure, the topics discussed are still all related to Simulink... read more >>

Spring 2009 MATLAB Contest: Data Visualization 1

The Spring MATLAB programming contest has just begun. This contest is different from contests in the past, so I recommend you start by reading the contest rules. This contest is less about... read more >>

Metronome Challenge Winners

Two weeks ago, I posted the Challenge: Metronome Synchronization.  The challenge was to model the synchronization of metronomes as observed in this video.
The results of the challenge tell an...

Challenge: Metronome and Cart Equations of Motion 6

I haven’t seen much activity on the Metronome Synchronization Challenge, so I want to provide a peak at the basis for my solution.  I took the approach of modeling a pendulum, and then linking its... read more >>

Challenge: Metronome Synchronization 2

My good friend Doug, formerly of Pick of the Week fame, sent me an e-mail last week with the subject “Model this.”  The message contained nothing more than a link to a video.  Doug started a new... read more >>

Posts 21 - 26 of 26

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