Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 31 - 40 of 59

結果: Fun

Optimizing the Hyperloop Trajectory 2

We previously published two-dimensional analysis for deriving a route for the hyperloop based on lateral acceleration limits. This time I looked at the other dimension of the problem: Elevation. This will complete the input data needed to fully simulate the Hyperloop.... 続きを読む >>

Sneak Peek: Simulink Virtual Reality Editor 7

Have you ever dreamed of living inside a Simulink model?... 続きを読む >>

The Simulink Curling Simulator… we did it! 3

After I published my post on simulating figure skating in Simulink, my colleague Corey Lagunowich and I discussed what other Olympic sports would be fun to model in Simulink. We settled on one of... 続きを読む >>

Win Olympic Gold with SimMechanics: Modeling Figure Skating and Angular Momentum 6

With the XXII Winter Olympics starting this week, I thought we should take the time to model something from the games! So lets look at how conservation of angular momentum is important in figure skating.... 続きを読む >>

Hyperloop: Not so fast! 30

This week Matt Brauer is back to describe work he did to analyze the trajectory of the Hyperloop proposal. This is a key input to the Hyperloop Simulink models we are building. Matt's conclusion... 続きを読む >>

Hyperloop Model Architecture: We want your feedback! 5

We had some fun in our last post about the Hyperloop open source transportation system, but we didn't get much into the specifics. This week we begin to move things forward. Before beginning to... 続きを読む >>

Don’t Engineer The Hyperloop in a Vacuum 2

Since it was released in August, the Hyperloop proposal by Elon Musk generated a lot of interest. Reactions were both positive and negative. As you can imagine, it also triggered a lot of discussions... 続きを読む >>

2013 Simulink Student Challenge – Win up to $1000!

Have you done something super-cool in Simulink?Can you make a short video of it and share it on YouTube?Are you a student? If you have answered yes to these questions, then you might be able to win... 続きを読む >>

A Tweeting S-Function for the Raspberry Pi 10

I recently bought a Raspberry Pi. After trying a few of the demos included with the Simulink support package for Raspberry Pi, I began thinking about what I could do next. Just for fun, I... 続きを読む >>

MATLAB Tech Talks: Bode Plot 1

This week we are introducing MATLAB Tech Talks - short videos explaining important engineering concepts in an informal and entertaining way. Carlos Osorio, our application engineer, and controls... 続きを読む >>

Posts 31 - 40 of 59